Join fellow Penn & Wharton Alumni for a Sunday morning at the Detroit Institute of Arts (DIA) for a continental breakfast and group tour of the much anticipated special exhibit Diego Rivera and Freda Kahlo in Detroit
We missed last year, but this is our SIXTH club event at the DIA; these events are always well attended, and a special opportunity to enjoy fellow alumni as we tour a very excellent exhibit.
Sunday, May 17, 2015, 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Meet & Greet with a Continental breakfast from 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM. Following breakfast, we will enjoy a docent talk and then an exhibit tour [ticketed admission to the exhibit begins at 11:30 AM], providing an overview of the Diego Rivera and Freda Kahlo in Detroit. Ticket price includes entrance to the museum, breakfast, and the tour.
5200 Woodward Avenue
Detroit MI 48202
Main Line: 313.833.7900
Weekend Hotline: 313.833.7530
Franklin Sponsor Member & Guest - No Charge
Club Members & Family: $35 per person
Non-Members & Guests: $45 per person
DIA Members - $25 per person
[DIA Members are entitled to free admission to the special exhibit however you must call the DIA directly to reserve your tickets for the 11:30 AM viewing time]
Click here to buy tickets!!!
Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo were an explosive couple. He carried a pistol. She carried a flask. He romanticized Detroit. She rejected it. But what they shared was a belief in communism, a thirst for tequila and a passion for each other. Discover how they left their mark on Detroit. And how Detroit left its mark on their art. Exclusively on view at the Detroit Institute of Arts, Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo in Detroit brings together nearly 70 works of art that depict the evolution of these two extraordinary artists’ careers, including eight of Rivera’s epic preparatory drawings for the Detroit Industry murals and 23 pieces by Kahlo, whose work has never before been shown at the DIA - See more at: