Date and Time
Sunday, December 6, 2015
2:00pm— 5:00pm
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Vinotecca 417 South Main St., Royal Oak, MI 48067

All Ivy Holiday Party

WHAT: All Ivy Alumni Holiday Party
WHO: Ivy Alumni and Guests
WHEN: Sunday, December 6 from 2:00pm to 5:00pm.
WHERE: Vinotecca  417 South Main St., Royal Oak, MI 48067

RSVP: http://mailchimp.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=7ba65157061d8d30769859a78&id=4ed5b4d22d&e=166ccb68f2

Dear Ivy League Alumni,

Please join us for an All Ivy Holiday Party in Royal Oak!  We have reserved a private room, just for our group.  Light appetizers will be served with a cash bar.  There is a cost of $10 per person to attend.  Please RSVP by Dec 1st so we can have a proper head count.  Go to this link to make your payment:  www.paypal.me/Jilani.  We look forward to seeing everyone there!

Anita, Waqas, JP, Martina

NOTE: This event is limited to 40 people.  The payment link is:  www.paypal.me/Jilani

Map & Directions

Vinotecca 417 South Main St., Royal Oak, MI 48067

by public transit by car by bike Walking